The Inkwell: Making Magic in Fiction

The Inkwell: Making Magic in Fiction


Create Immersive Magic Systems that Captivate Readers

Whether you're crafting a high fantasy epic, an urban fantasy mystery, or a fabulist tale, this guide is your key to mastering the art of writing magic in any genre.

Learn how to build unique, logical magic systems that enhance your world, support your narrative, and drive your plot forward—while avoiding the common pitfalls that can undermine a story’s magic.

What You’ll Learn in This Guide

  • How magic shows up in a wide variety of genres

  • The different kinds of magic systems and how they work

  • What to consider when crafting your own magic system

  • How to avoid the most common pitfalls when writing magic

And you'll be able hone your magic-writing skills with five prompts designed to help you build magic into your current work in progress.

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