World-Building Basics for Fiction Writers

Whether you’re crafting a sprawling fantasy epic, a tightly woven sci-fi thriller, a historical novel, or slice-of-life contemporary fiction, the world you create plays a crucial role in bringing your story to life, immersing your readers, and even shaping your characters. (After all, we’re all products of our environment in some ways, aren’t we?)

Comprehensive world-building involves creating societies and political systems, designing geographies and ecosystems, and integrating magic and technology — just for starters — and then weaving all those details seamlessly into your story so that your world feels authentic and lived-in.

It can feel like a lot, but that’s where The Inkwell’s latest craft guide comes in. With 50 exercises and prompts designed to help you build your fictional world — and then put it on the page — World-Building Basics is designed to be practical and accessible for new and seasoned novelists alike.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this 18-page resource:

  1. What Is World-Building: Learn why world-building is a crucial aspect of storytelling and how it enhances your narrative. Discover the key components that make up a well-built world and how they interconnect to create a cohesive setting.

  2. Physical World-Building: Dive into the geographical and environmental aspects of your world. From terrain and climate to natural resources and ecosystems, this section provides a solid foundation for creating a believable physical landscape.

  3. Society & Cultures: Explore the social structures, cultural norms, and belief systems that shape your world and its inhabitants. Understand how to develop complex societies with unique customs, traditions, and histories.

  4. History & Politics: Delve into the historical events and political systems that influence your world. Learn how to create a rich backstory and dynamic political landscape that adds depth and intrigue to your narrative.

  5. Economics & Technology: Develop the economic systems and technological advancements that drive your world. From trade and industry to everyday and futuristic technologies, this section helps you identify what, exactly, drives progress in your world.

  6. Religion and Philosophy: Uncover the spiritual and philosophical dimensions of your world. Develop intricate belief systems and philosophical frameworks that add layers of complexity and realism to your characters and plot.

  7. Magic and Supernatural Elements: Craft a coherent and engaging system of magic and supernatural phenomena. Learn how to set rules and limitations to keep your magic system believable and integrated into your story.

  8. Integrating World-Building into Your Story: Learn how to seamlessly weave world-building elements into your narrative, balancing detail with story progression to enhance your plot and character development without overwhelming your readers.

Ready to Build Your World?


This resource was provided to members of The Inkwell in July 2024, at no additional cost.